Getting Set Up in Moodle


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LTI 1.3 must be installed by the OER Commons or Site Administrator and the LMS (Moodle) Administrator. It can’t be installed by teachers or course managers. For more information about LTI 1.3’s security features, refer to Why Platforms and Tools Should Adopt LTI 1.3 by IMS Global.

Installing and Configuring the App in Moodle

1. Go to Site Administration.

2. Select the Plugins tab.

3. Scroll down to Activity Modules and select Manage Tools (under External Tool).


  1. Select Configure tool manually

  1. Complete the Tool settings. This section contains the values you will send to the OER Commons or Site Administrator so they can set up the tool.  

    1. For Tool URL, enter the Tool URL supplied by the Site Administrator.

    2. For LTI version, select LTI 1.3 

    3. For Public key type, select RSA key

  1. For Initiate login URL and Redirection URL(s), enter the URLs supplied by the Site Administrator.

  2. For Tool configuration usage, select the default Show as preconfigured tool when adding to an external tool.

  3. For Default launch container, select the default Embed, without blocks.

  1. In the Privacy section, for Share launcher’s name with tool, select Delegate to teacher.

  2. For Share launcher’s email with tool, select Always. (We won’t be able to log in instructors automatically if this isn’t set to Always.)

  3. For Accept grades from the tool, select Never.

  4. Select the box for Force SSL to ensure secure connections.

  1. Select Save changes.

Completing Tool Set Up with Site Admin

  1. Go to Manage activities and select the Tool configuration details icon next to the gear icon. Your Site Administrator will need the Tool configuration details to complete the setup. Select the orange Email button to send information to the OER Commons or Site Admin.

  1. After the Site Administrator notifies you that the tool is configured, let your instructors know the tool name that you chose so they can access the tool to add content to their courses.

  2. To access Tool settings later, select the gear icon.

Common Questions

What does the LTI Tool do?

The LTI 1.3 tool allows any educator to find learning activities that have been published to Featured Collections on your site, and embed them within assignments, modules, or other Moodle pages. If educators are members of Groups or already have a Personal Account account on your site where they have been authoring or curating content,  educators will be able to access and embed content from Group Shared Folders and personal My Items libraries using this tool. 

Do I need an existing account on this site to use the LTI Tool?  

When a course instructor launches the LTI tool, a new account will be automatically generated if the instructor doesn't already have one. This gives the Instructor access to all Featured Collections

If I do have an existing account on this site, how do I connect it to my Moodle account?

If a user has previously created an account on the platform, and then later launches the LTI Tool in the LMS, the user will be asked for a one-time identity verification to confirm linking their accounts. The user should click the Link Accounts button to verify their identity.

For example, the user will see a message that looks similar to the message below:

How do Students Access Content? 

   Account information for student users is not collected or stored. Instead, students have view-only access to content that their instructors have embedded in Moodle courses.

How Do I use the LTI Tool?

Below are preview images of the content provided by the LTI tool. When an instructor adds a new activity using the LTI tool, the instructor will be able to search and browse items in Featured Collections, their own personal saved My Items, and their Group folders.

This screen shows what browsing My Collections looks like in the LTI 1.3 tool.

This screen shows what browsing My Items looks like in the LTI 1.3 tool.

This screen shows what browsing My Items looks like in the LTI 1.3 tool.

This screen shows what browsing My Group folders looks like in the LTI 1.3 tool.This screen shows what browsing My Group folders looks like in the LTI 1.3 tool.